Monday, January 27, 2020
Minor injury and Illness Assessment in the Community
Minor injury and Illness Assessment in the Community Rebecca Bastow In the following assignment I am going to analyse and evaluate a case of Acute Otitis Media shown in appendix one, by discussing the pathophysiology behind this condition and how important the role of history-taking is as well as, the clinical presentation and the probable examination findings. To further support my findings of the condition I am going to including the special tests that are needed to confirm my diagnosis. Through the utilisation of appropriate evidence, I am going to justify and formulate my treatment plan and referral pathway, taking into consideration the ethical, medico-legal and professional responsibilities relating to the case. Acute otitis media (AOM) can be referred to as the presence of inflammation in the middle ear with possible effusion, its associated signs and symptoms are rapid in onset (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 27). It is evidenced that more than seventy-five percent of cases commonly affects young children under the age of ten, particularly those who are effected by passive smoking, attend nursery and are formula-fed. It is said to have a greater prevalence in males than females (Edwards and Stillman, 2006, p. 129 -137). Consequently, children have a horizontal, less acute angle and shorter Eustachian tube which makes it easier for bacterial enter and more difficult for fluid to move. However, normally it is collapsed but opens with swallowing and positive pressure (Nair and Peate, 2013, p. 565 -566). The recurrence of this infection can cause serious complications such as hearing loss, tympanic membrane perforation, infrequently it can lead to mastoiditis, facial nerve paralysis, sinus thrombo sis, and meningitis (Kivi and Yu, 2016). The presentation in adults and older children is usually reported as earache whereas, young children they may rub and pull on their ear or may present generic symptoms such as fever, continual crying, poor feeding, cough and restlessness at night. Signs and symptoms that are common in AOM consist of red, cloudy or bulging tympanic membrane, pain, pyrexia, headache, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, reduction in hearing, malaise and otalgia (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2015). Eustachian tube is situated at the anterior wall of the middle ear to the lateral wall of the nasopharynx and therefore, anatomically connects to the throat and palatine tonsil. Thus, allowing the infection to effect anything that is located in the connected pathways. AOM is a common condition that can be triggered by upper respiratory tract infections (twenty-five percent) either via bacteria or viruses (Nair and Peate, 2015, p. 157). Commonly, it is a virus that is responsible for the infection and is usually self-limiting. Although, other inflammatory conditions can have similar outcomes. Inflammation of the nasopharynx can spread up to the medial end of the Eustachian tube, forming stasis which in turn changes the pressure in the middle ear, relative to ambient pressure (Johnson and Hill-Smith, 2012, p. 34 -35). This level of stasis can result in bacteria settling in the space of the middle ear via the straight pathway from the nasopharynx (Nair and Peate, 2013, p. 565 -566). The prominent causes are reflux, blowing something into a body cavity or aspiration. The bodys natural reaction to acute inflammatory responses is recognised as vasodilation, leukocyte invasion, exudation, phagocytosis and local immunological responses in the middle ear (Nair and Peate, 2015, p. 157). It is said that viral based infections that target and harm mucosal linings of the respiratory tract may assistance bacterias ability to become pathogenic in the nasopharynx, Eustachian tube and the middle ear cleft. Viral infections have been understood in regard to its part in the pathogenesis of AOM yet, it is still not understood what actual role they play (Waseem, M, 2016). Immunology activity can play a vital role in the occurrence of AOM and its results. The nasopharynx also has an important role in the development of AOM, its lymphoid tissues provide a form of protection against pathogens by obstructing their attachment to surfaces of the mucosa (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2015). There are numerous medico-legal considerations to bear in mind in Annas case due to her only being sixteen years of age (appendix one). The fundamental issue is whether she has mental capacity, it is an act designed to protect those who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions on their care and treatment. Which applies to individuals aged sixteen and over (NHS Choices, 2015). Individuals have to be given help to make a decision themselves and the information should be in a format that they can understand easily. If someone makes what is believed to be an unwise decision, they should not be treated as lacking capacity. Treatment and care given to those who lack capacity should be the least restrictive of their rights and freedoms (GOV UK, 2005). Mental capacity is determined by if there is an impairment, disturbance in the function of their mind or brain, as a result of a condition, illness or other external influences. And by whether theses consequently make the indiv idual unable to make specific decisions when they have to. Individuals may lack capacity to make specific decisions but have the capacity to make others (Quality Care Commission, 2016). It can also fluctuate with time, they may lack capacity at one point in time, but may be able to make the same decision at a later point. To be deemed to have mental capacity they must, understand the information pertinent to the decision, retain the information and use the information in the process of making that decision (NHS Choices, 2015). The capacity to consent to treatment has a controversial stance in under sixteen year olds. However, Gillick competence expresses that any child under the age of sixteen can consent, if they have sufficient understanding and intelligence to be capable of making a decision when required (Ministry of Ethics, 2014). This refers to the assessment undertaken by doctors to establish if a child under sixteen is deemed to have to capacity to consent for treatment in the absence of parental or guardian consent. The routine assessment of competence should be suitable for the childs age (NHS Choices, 2016). It could be argued, what is deemed to have sufficient for understanding and intelligence. In Annas case this does not directly apply because she is over that age nonetheless, the transferability is feasible. Children sixteen and over are deemed to have capacity by law and can consent or refuse treatment. If a child sixteen or over is believed to lack capacity, an assessment of capacity to consent needs to be carried out and documented (Quality Care Commission, 2016). Once valid consent to treatment has been attained it should be recorded as evidence, valid consent is where the medical professional has given the child, parents or both the applicable information about the purpose of treatment, as well as risks and possible alternatives (Department of Health, 2009). It is still good practice to provide parents with information however, consent needs to be sought from the child and the extent of information shared should be deliberated (Quality Care Commission, 2016). In regard to safeguarding concerns, information can be shared with parents without consent. Decisions made in the best interest for the individual, regarding care and treatment can be made anyone involved in caring for them, re latives, friends, and any attorney appointed (NHS Choices, 2016). As soon as I had consent from Anna or both Anna and her parents I would take a detailed history from her such as, when the pain started, pain score, characteristics of the pain, whether it is radiating anywhere, any allergies, medical conditions, current medication and social factors (appendix one). A thorough history is critical as it helps establish; potential treatment plans, possible safety netting features, rules out red flags or differential diagnosis (appendix two) which are all grounded on the findings from the physical assessment and special tests (Kavanagh, S, 2015). From observation, examination and palpation; it was recognised that her tonsils red and swollen, her head was inclined to right but was walking normally, otoscopy reviled that the tympanic membrane was cloudy and bulging slightly and her palatine and pre-auricle lymph nodes appeared tender (Douglas et al, 2013, p. 297 -314). The baseline observations showed that she had no significant temperature and all others observations were with normal parameters (appendix one). To support my diagnosis and exclude potential red flags indefinitely I would carry out some special auditory tests. The first type of hearing loss is conductive; this is a problem conducting sound waves along the path of the ear. It can occur anywhere from the outer ear, middle ear or, tympanic membrane (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 11). Sensorineural is the other type of hearing loss, in which the cause is situated in the inner ear, the cochlea or in the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 11). A simple test to establish the level of hearing loss is the Voice test. By observing and engaging in conversation with the patient it is easy to recognise if you need to raise your voice to be heard clearly. A whisper test would help you gain greater perception of their hearing loss (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 13). A more complex and effective test that is greatly used is the Tuning fork test (Burkey et al, 1998). Within this there is two further tests, the first is called the Weber test (appendix three). This is where the tuning fork is hit on a surface to make it vibrate, then the base is placed on the middle of the patients forehead and then ask the patient where they hear this sound. It is normal for the patient to hear it in both ears except those with conductive hearing loss or unilateral sensorineural hearing loss, then it is better heard in one ear (Douglas et al, 2013, p. 303). The Rinnes test (appendix three) should conclude that the sound was louder beside the external aud itory meatus than on the mastoid process this is because air conduction is greater than bone (Rinnes positive), (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 13). This test is conducted by placing the vibrating fork on the mastoid process and then the patient reports when they can no longer hear it. The fork is then placed approximately two centimeters away from the external auditory meatus and asked if they can hear it, the patient then reports when they can no longer hear anything (Douglas et al, 2013, p. 303). However, if the patient informs you that the sound is louder on the mastoid process this means bone is the better conductor of sound (Rinnes negative) and applies to conductive deafness (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 13). A false negative Rinnes test can occur when hearing is very poor in one side, when the fork is placed on the mastoid process of the poor ear the sound can be conducted through the skull and projected to the good ear (Douglas et al, 2013, p. 303). To manage people with initial presentations of AOM paracetamol or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for instance, ibuprofen is used to treat pain and fever. It is evidenced that both of them are effective in relieving pain in children with AOM, and have few adverse effects when the suggested doses are used (Nair and Peate, 2015, p. 157). For the majority of people with AOM a non-antibiotic method is used, this is where they assure patients that antibiotics are not needed and that they make little difference to symptoms. Antibiotics may also have adverse effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 23). A delayed antibiotic prescribing strategy could also be utilised, where they advise patients to commence antibiotics if within four days their symptoms do not improve or if they get substantially worse (Johnson and Hill-Smith, 2012, p. 34 -35). Immediate antibiotics should be given to people that have AOM and are; systemically unwell but admission is not needed, at the risk of complications due to existing diseases, those whose symptoms have continued for four or more days and not getting better, children under the age of two with infection in both ears and children with discharge in the canal or tympanic perforation (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2015). A five-day co urse of amoxicillin is the first-line of treatment if antibiotics are required. Whereas, people that are allergic to penicillin have erythromycin or clarithromycin as alternatives (Munir and Clarke, 2013, p. 23). Amoxicillin is shown to be more effective than erythromycin or clarithromycin against the probable pathogens involved in AOM (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2015). A Cochrane systematic review showed that was no respectable evidence for the routine use of antibiotics in the treatment of AOM in children (Venekamp et al, 2013). Although antibiotics showed to have a statistically significant decrease of children experiencing pain with AOM between day two and seven compared the placebo, eighty-two percent of the childrens symptoms spontaneously improved. It was concluded that the benefits and potential harms of antibiotic treatment must be evaluated, taking into account adverse effects and the possibility of resistance (Venekamp et al, 2013). However, the evidence exposed that they were the most effective against children under two with bilateral AOM, or with both discharge and AOM regardless of age. For the majority of children with mild AOM, an observational method seems acceptable (Venekamp et al, 2013). Another systematic review of the treatment of AOM in children found that compared with short course antibiotics, long courses reduced short-ter m treatment failure, but had no advantages in the longer term in comparison with short courses (Kozyrskyj et al, 2015). Consequently, to manage and treat Annas AOM I would treat her pain with paracetamol or ibuprofen taking into consideration of any allergies and her asthma. I would establish if she has taken ibuprofen before and whether there were any problems. The evidence above shows this condition to be self-limiting and that antibiotics have no significant effect in this condition. It is shown that the public have the most contact with the NHS via general practices, NHS England estimated that approximately one million people access their general practice each day (Comptroller and Auditor General, 2015). The number of direct and telephone contact with patients grew (15.4 percent) throughout all clinical staff in general practices between 2010 and 2015. During that period, the average patient list expanded by ten percent (Baird et al. 2016). It is evident that the non-emergency services like these are being sought by those with conditions that are not serious or life threatening. NHS Direct received roughly 4.4 million calls in 2011 and 2012, 2.7 million calls were made between 2012 and 2013 to NHS 111 and in 2007 and 2008, around 8.6 million calls were received by the GP out-of-hours services (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 2014). In Annas case of AOM it is evident that she is asymptomatic, the spread of infection has clearly tracked down from the nasopharynx, Eustachian tube, throat, tonsils to the palatine and pre-auricle lymph nodes. It directly corresponds with the physical assessment and the initial history of the conditions presentation therefore, ruling out a differential diagnosis. The no antibiotic framework above is evidently effective, I have concluded that an analgesic (paracetamol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen) approach would be adapted and advised to manage Annas pain. This also demonstrates the importance of history taking as Anna has only had these symptoms for two days, indicating that this treatment is the most appropriate. It is apparent that Anna does not require hospitalisation so I would need to leave her with the appropriate safety netting in place. Thus, if she was at home or at school when the incident occurred and her parents or teacher were present and content with mo nitoring her, I would leave the same advice as shown above. I would also advice Anna to go and see her GP if her symptoms worsen or persist for four or more days. It is documented that general practices are well-versed in the management of these non-urgent conditions if they develop or worsen. Similarly, it is evidence that the public are aware of which service to pursue if they experience any similar acute conditions. These actions would only be taken once the red flags were ruled out through the tests and assessments conducted above. In summary acute otitis media is usually a self-limiting condition that resolves by itself without the input of antibiotics subsequently, it is likely that Anna will not need any further involvement form any other healthcare professional. References (2017). Differential Diagnosis. Available: Last accessed 25-01-17. Baird, B., Charles. A., Honeyman. M., Maguire, D. and Das, P. (2016). Understanding pressures in general practice. Available: Last accessed 25-01-17. Burkey, J, Lippy, W, Schuring, A and Rizer, F. (1998). Clinical Utility of the 512-Hz Rinne Tuning Fork Test. Available: Last accessed 17-01-17. Comptroller and Auditor General. (2015). Department of Health and NHS England: Stocktake of access to general practice in England. Available: Last accessed 27-01-17. Department of Health. (2009). Reference guide to consent. Available: Last accessed 23-01-17. Douglas, G., Nicol, F and Robertson, C (2013). Macleods Clinical Examination. 13th ed. Edinburgh: Elvsevier. P. 297 -308. Edwards, C and Stillman, P (2006). Minor Illness or Major Disease? The clinical pharmacist in the community. 4th ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press. p. 129 -137. GOV UK. (2005). Mental Capacity Act 2005. Available: Last accessed 28-01-17. Johnson, G and Hill-Smith, I (2012). The Minor Illness Manual. 4th ed. London: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd. p. 25 -41. Kavanagh, S. (2015). History Taking. Available: Last accessed 28-01-17. Kivi, R and Yu, W. (2016). Acute Otitis Media. Available: Last accessed 19-01-17. Kozyrskyj, A., Klassen, T., Moffatt, M and Harvey, K. (2015). Short-course antibiotics for acute otitis media. Available: Last accessed 29-01-17. Ministry of Ethics. (2014). Common Law: Gillick V West Norfolk AND Wisbech Area Health Authority 1984-5. Available: Last accessed 20-01-17. Munir, N and Clarke, R (2013). Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing Ltd. p. 22 -27. Nair, M and Peate, I (2013). Fundermentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An essential guide for nursing and healthcare students. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. p. 565 -566. Nair, M and Peate, I (2015). Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing Ltd. p.155 -157. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014). NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE EXCELLENCE SCOPE: Service delivery and organisation for acute medical emergencies. Available: Last accessed 18-01-17. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2015). Otitis media acute: Scenario: Acute otitis media initial presentation. Available:!scenario. Last accessed 20-01-17. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2015). Otitis media acute Summary. Available:!topicsummary. Last accessed 20-01-17. NHS Choices. (2015). What is the Mental Capacity Act? . Available: Last accessed 30-01-17. NHS Choices. (2016). Consent to treatment Children and young people . Available: Last accessed 21-01-17. Quality Care Commission. (2016). Brief guide: capacity and competence in under 18s. Available: Last accessed 20-01-17. Venekamp, RP., Sanders, S., Glasziou, PP., Del Mar, CB and Rovers, MM. (2013). Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children (Review). Available: Last accessed 18-01-17. Waseem, M. (2016). Acute Otitis: Pathophysiology. Available: Last accessed 25-01-17. Appendix 1 Patient: 16-year-old woman called Anna PC: Pain in right ear HPC: Anna has had pain in her throat and right ear for the last two days and describes feeling under the weather. SOCRATES- Site Pain in throat and right ear. Onset last 2 days. Character- sharp pain in ear throat feels scratchy. Radiation some radiation down towards neck. Associated symptoms No systemic signs. Ear feels full and patient describes difficulty hearing. Timing constant. Exacerbating/Relieving factors- none. Severity- 4/10 PMH: Mild asthma, brought on by exertion. Anna had a number of ear infections when she was younger but hasnt had any for at least two years. DH: Salbutamol PRN Allergies: Elastoplast- Contact dermatitis Alcohol/Smoking: Anna reports drinking occasionally with her friends but does not smoke. Occ H: Student SH: Lives at home with her parents and younger brother (12). O/E: OBS: T: 37.2C, P: 85 reg, RR: 12, BP: 110/75, SpO2: 98% room air Walking normally, with head inclined to the right. Examination of the external ear is normal; palatine and pre-auricle lymph nodes tender; tonsils red and swollen; tympanic membrane cloudy and bulging slightly. In analyse and evaluate the case by discussing the pathophysiology of the condition and how this relates to the history-taking, clinical presentation and likely examination findings, including any special tests that may be required to diagnose the condition. You should then formulate a treatment plan and referral decision justified by critical analysis, taking the ethical, medico-legal and professional responsibilities of the case into account. Appendix 2 Differential Diagnosis of Otitis media Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests Otitis media with effusion Typically, the middle ear effusion is asymptomatic. On otoscopy these patients have an effusion of any color, air fluid levels, or bubbles with normal tympanic membrane landmarks. Myringitis These patients may have no symptoms attributable to the middle ear. On otoscopy there is erythema and injection of the tympanic membrane in the neutral position without other features of otitis media Mastoiditis There is edema, erythema, and tenderness over the mastoid process. Diagnosis is clinical based on history and examination. A CT scan may be warranted if symptoms are severe (to exclude abscess formation) or if the diagnosis is uncertain. Cholesteatoma Patients may present with painless otorrhea and hearing loss. Opacification of the tympanic membrane may lead to a misdiagnosis of AOM. Diagnosis is based on the history and clinical findings. Imaging is rarely necessary. (2017). Differential Diagnosis. Available: Last accessed 25-01-17. Appendix 3 Special Auditory Tests (2015). Rinne-Weber. Available: Last accessed 25-01-17.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
English: Good and Evil and Television Essay
Assalam O Aliakum all of you after that today is my presentation and my presentation is about Television you know that television is getting very popular and increasing day by day because of connecting the world. There are some advantages and disadvantages and now I am describing about advantages. Advantages 1) First advantage is that you know Karachi bad low and situation is increasing day by day thatââ¬â¢s why many people before going to office they switch on the television for knowing about situation that what is going, situation is good and bad and which area is suitable for going to office. 2) Second is that when you have laser time and you are filling dull/boring and if you want passing the time so you can early by watching television because many channels are available on cable for your entertainments like watching movies and watching song and most of peoples like sports channels. 3) Third advantage is that with passing your time you can get knowledge easily because many channels are available which is providing good platforms for you. Like national geographical and discovery channels are most famous in the world. And also Islam channel are available like QTV, MADANI and PEACE for our information. 4) Forth advantage this is very importance for us because now we are student of English language and we do not know how to speak English and how to perform the word with better ascend when we will watch English channels on daily basic so we can easily get. Disadvantages. 1) The first disadvantage is that some people prefer to watch television and do not prefer to work they most of time spend it. 2) Second disadvantage is that a lot of people suffering in desperation and afraid because you know that boom are blasting on daily basic different areas and news channels telecast live. 3) Thirty disadvantages are that some people are going to bad way due to watching television. This type of people do not like to do work hard and they do street crime and robbery etc.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Gatto Against Schools Critique
Jamille Coy ââ¬Å"Against School: How public education cripples our kids, and why ââ¬Å", is a piece written by John Taylor Gatto which was published in the Harpers Magazine September 2003 issue. Gatto was a New York City public school teacher for about thirty years , who after all this time teaching came to a conclusion that public schooling was nothing but, a system created by the high powers to create a large labour force and to keep the general public under some level of control.He believed that schools stifled a child maturing process and the only way to curb this issue way to educate our own children. Gatto opens his piece speaking about his personal experiences within the public school systems in Manhattan, where he says he became an expert in boredom. His expertise in this area of boredom he claims came from the kids he taught, who always complained about being bored in the class room and being taught by teachers who were also bored and uninterested in their subject.He then said we are to blame for our boredom and the only person obligated to amuse you ways oneââ¬â¢s self. He said he learnt this remedy of amusing oneââ¬â¢s self to cure boredom from his grandfather. The use of these personal or firsthand experiences were very effective because it tells the reader that the writer isnââ¬â¢t just writing from pure opinion but from something more, which allows you to trust him. He follows by saying that he believes people who didnââ¬â¢t know they were responsible for their own amusement were childish and should be avoided and definitely not trusted.He claims that he often defied custom and bent laws just to help kids to get out of the trap of boredom and childishness. He said teachers had a choice either help kids take an education or help them receive it and he was one who wanted to help kids receive it. Consequently he explains that he was fired after childish adults plotted against him and after nine months of tormented effort and his family having to suffer he was able to reacquire his teachersââ¬â¢ license.In this part of Gattoââ¬â¢s piece he uses a lot of strong words (avoided, not trusted, defy, trap, plotted, tormented) which can be both positive and negative. In one instance it may get scare the reader into believing him and in another it can be seen as terribly biased and cause paranoia. He end off the introductory paragraph quoting Gorge W Bush saying what if when he said ââ¬Å"leave no child behindâ⬠he accidentally spoke the truth, was our schools designed to make sure not one child ever grows up?This quotation was the introduction to the main idea of his article and it was very effective because he used authority in using G W Bush and also ended it off with a rhetorical question to leave the reader thinking and preparing him/her for what is about to follow. In the opening to his main argument or body he asks three rhetorical questions which he follows by indirect answers ââ¬Å"Do we really need school? Is it really necessary? If so for what? He then answers all these questions indirectly saying that 2 million happy homeschoolers showed that we didnââ¬â¢t need it.Then he mention some popular Americans who werenââ¬â¢t schooled such as Abraham Lincoln ,Thomas Jefferson, Carnegie and Rockefeller, saying that these people achieved a circumstantial level of success and wealth without schooling. He makes sure and points out that he is just saying school isnââ¬â¢t needed but that he totally agrees that education is, maybe just not the formal system that we all know today. He explains thatââ¬â¢s the system (schooling) has made us to believe that school is in direct proportions with success, which he says historically isnââ¬â¢t true both financially and intellectually.The question and answer technique he use was very effective because it first makes the writer think and then by following with answering we unknowing accept and believe his argument. His use of popular A mericans who werenââ¬â¢t schooled is somewhat effective in that once can without a doubt see that some people without school can achieve success but at the same that time can argue that it was a different time and the world has changed and education is much more crucial part of life than it was in the time of Rockefeller and Washington.He used a list to explain that mass schooling was believed to make good people, good citizens and to make each his personal best but this was definitely not so. This list which is actually very effective because its helps the reader to remember and understand main points. He then quotes H. L. Mencken who said the aim of public education is not to fill the young of spices with knowledge and awaken them but it is to simply reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardize citizenry to put down dissent and originality .From this quote Gatto wants us to take what Mencken said seriously but coming from a sat irist, it lacks effectiveness. Gatto then goes on to speak about James Bryant Conant who was the president of Harvard for twenty years, world war two poison gas specialists the principal of Colubine High Colorado and the person who introduce standardized testing into the school system. He mention Conant to show a man who had very little background on education influenced it in a big way which was somewhat effective but at the same time could have been considered confusing and misplaced.Another reason for mentioning Conant was to introduce Inglis who believes the reason for school was to stem mass, incurable division so that the underclassââ¬â¢s can never integrate as a dangerous whole. Gatto list what Inglis found to be the purpose of schooling which was: the adjustive or adaptive function, the integrating function, the diagnostic and directive function, the differing function, the selective function and the propaedeutic function. This list was as said before very effective becau se it goes in depth and explains to the reader giving the reader more insight on what the writer is trying to delineate.He starts off his closing points of his argument with the words ââ¬Å"There now you have it. Now you know. â⬠Which somewhat disparages the reader and give a cocky and conceitedness about the writer which can push the reader away from agreement with what he is saying. In this closing argument he says that mandatory schooling had no other objective but to; dumb people down, separate us by classes, encourage us to be lazy not to think at all and to create non-stop consumers.He said that school has turned our children into addicts and it is no accident he quotes Plato and Rousseau to show this. They described our schools as factories in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and fashioned and built to specification laid down. He said it is obvious what these specifications are; lack of maturity, easy divorce laws, easy credit and easy questions. He u sed very effective rhetorical strategies by comparing children to raw products and schools to factories which gave us images and made his writing more understandable.He concludes by saying that the good news is now that we understand the logic behind modern schooling, its tricks and traps are fairly easy to avoid. He said the answer is to teach own to be leaders and adventurers. He says before we can do this we have to understand thatââ¬â¢s schools are laboratories of experimentation on young mind, drill centers for the habits and cooperate society demands. He said that mandatory education serves children only accidentally and the real purpose is to make them servants.He said that the answer is just to let children manage themselves. This closing paragraph was very ambiguous, it was effect in the imagery give with his metaphors but at the same time the answer to the entire thing was bland. After all that he had to say it seems no real solution was given to the problem, which show s he is not very solution oriented and causes his entire article to lose effectiveness. Works Cited Gatto, John Taylor. ââ¬Å"Against School. â⬠Harper's Magazine Sep. 2001: 35-38. Print. MLA formatting by BibMe. org.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Impact Of Media On Society s Perception Of Reality
The media has been influencing societyââ¬â¢s perception of reality ever since the printing press was invented in the early 1900ââ¬â¢s. According to Delascio, when CNN first aired in 1980, it was the only television station devoted to around-the-clock news broadcasting. But by the end of the 1990s, it faced significant competition from MSNBC, Fox News, and others. As more twenty-four-hour news stations appear, many resort to attention-grabbing headlines that emphasize disasters and tragedies more than cooperation and good deeds (Delascio 2015). Does the media negatively or positively impact psychological perspectives? Who does the media influence the most men or women? Media tells you how to look at your world, yourself, and how to think in regards to them. It tells you what to be afraid of, what to hate, what to embrace, etc. If the idea of wanting to observe the effects of media on society, just look and listen. The messages that the media is transmitting are reflected in our societal values and behavior. The media affects our society in several ways and control the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today There are both positive and negative impacts the media has on society. The TV news erroneously cover its communities by having most of its stories about police brutality and violence of racial tension. Considering the current influence of media, we need to agree on the fact that media plays an important role in shaping upShow MoreRelatedThe Reality Of Reality Tv Essay1601 Words à |à 7 Pages People watch media for different reasons. Reality TV is a common source of entertainment on various channels and media outlets. The purpose of reality TV is to ââ¬Å"promise more drama, suspense, and laughter while pushing the envelope of what is morally and socially acceptable, funny, and, of course entertainingâ⬠(Glouner et al.). 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The public has access to this technology, but is the public viewing what the public publishes? Most of the time we are viewing the popular, which is usually a small group of people. This small group of people wins over our perception by persuasion in that the perception they are portraying is the norm. People now need the media newsRead MoreThe Influence Of Media Reporting On Society s Perception Of Beauty1730 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe media has created an image that is unrealistic and unattainable for teenage girls. As such, based upon a macro perspective, the societal roles, status and expectations of young women have been impacted negatively. This paper will analyze how the combination of media reporting, socioeconomics and sociocultural factors contribute to the development of eating disorders as well as how society s perception of beauty has been distorted. This paper will further support the notion that societies perceptionRead MoreMedia s Negative Images Of Health Care1215 Words à |à 5 Pages Should Media Portray Only Positive Images of Health Care Name Institution Should Media Portray Only Positive Images of Health Care Media has portrayed many negative images of healthcare through television including movies. It is important that media presents positive images of healthcare to influence positive public perceptions on healthcare delivery. Health care television shows have portrayed nurses as handmaidens to doctors, ââ¬Ënaughtyââ¬â¢, battle-axesââ¬â¢, sex objects, self-sacrificial angelsRead MoreThe Impact Of Media Coverage On The Public Perception Of Missing Children916 Words à |à 4 PagesWe as a society go about our daily activities not thinking about the criminal actions of others. We are not faced with the concerns of crimes unless we are the victims. We depend on communication outlets to stay updated with local, state and international events. The actual number of children missing is alarming and yet unknown. Influences on the public perception The writer of this chapter pinpointed the views of the world in a great way. There are many influences on the public perception of missingRead MoreThe Reality Of Television Has On Store For Me Tonight1547 Words à |à 7 PagesIt is Monday morning and I am already thinking about what reality television has in store for me tonight. There are so many shows to choose from at prime time, so instead of making a hard decision, I simply plan to watch them all. From Basketball Wives and Black Ink Crew to Love and Hip-hop and The Real Housewives of Atlanta, my Monday night seems to be very eventful. It is something about the constant drama that keeps my glued to the TV screen ââ¬â the constant shouting and fussing, not to mentionRead MoreHow to Gain the Most from the Media in Our Lives Essay537 Words à |à 3 PagesMedia has always been an important factor in society, and it always will be. The way an individual discerns the world dictates how they interact with it, but the dichotomy bet ween media and society goes both ways. People perceive media differently based on experiences in their lives, within each decade a shift in norms, trends and technology is observable. Jerzy Kosinski uses a character that perceives society based on television alone to depict the way media affects an individuals perceptionRead MoreAnalysis Of Dana Mastros Article Why The Medias Role On Issues Of Race And Ethnicity1045 Words à |à 5 PagesMediaââ¬â¢s Role in Issues of Race and Ethnicity Should be in the Spotlightââ¬â¢ makes an important contribution to our understanding of the mediaââ¬â¢s role in the construction of perceptions of racial and ethnic groups and how these perceptions effect the social position of the people that they are about .This is largely because the media plays a huge role in an individualââ¬â¢s daily lives and it is very difficult to avoid its influence, at least partly, due to its frequency at which it is consumed. MoreoverRead MoreThe Biases Of The Unconscious Mind1681 Words à |à 7 Pages(2016) in the misuse of anti-depressant medications in college students. In this manner, the a clinical study was done on college students, which sought to examine the motivations for the misuse of anti-depressants, which they found to have a negative impact on enhanced learning processes. Commonly, these drugs were thought to help stabilize the mind of the individual in the hope that it would help students improve academic performance,., however, they found many biases in their studies on the motivational
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